Maybe you have
GOOGLED others --I once changed my mind about asking a girl out after digging up some stuff on the Internet (nothing salacious... it had to do with debt, believe it or not) - but have you ever Googled yourself?
It's amazing what you can find out:
I remember when I was a spokesperson for Canada Customs during the Summit of the Americas in 2001 in Quebec City and spoke to someone at the
Press-Republican of Plattsburg New York... but I don't remember saying the stuff I am credited with saying... @$&%# media!
I remember serving as a Corporal in the
Lake Superior Scottish Regiment at one time, but apparently, I was also a Sapper in the
Royal Engineers in 1863. If my
third listing is taken into account, my military career spanned over two centuries. Pretty impressive. Between my stints in the military, I must have dabbled in
petty theft, although I have no recollection of stealing a pig or any other farm animal, for that matter.
I guess the lesson is
Don't believe everything you read online...
I wonder if it is too late to call that girl?