Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We Don't Live In A Fascist Nation



Now, this video is about to go viral, if it hasn't already, so I will not bother giving you much background. You will probably hear all about it soon enough anyway. Essentially, it claims to show three undercover policemen confronted by some lefty union boss and denounced as "provocateurs". These so-called agents-provocateurs are hauled through the police cordon and arrested as protestors taunt them. Dave Coles has been getting alot of airtime on the news networks, allowing him to repeat his claims.


I believe him

Yup, your eyes do not deceive you. I, Mr. right-wing jackbooted reactionary am in complete accord with Comrade Coles.

It only takes one viewing to see that the whole thing stinks to high-heaven. Of course it is standard practice for the cops to plant "protestors" at these types of demonstrations, as a way of gathering intel and conducting surveilance. That's just common police procedure, and anyone who is outraged should give their head a shake. Prior to the Summit of the Americas in 2000, I was working for Canada Customs and an intelligence guy told us as much in a presentation we were given. I'll never forget it, because it was the first time I heard about black blocs, which I would later see in action at the aforementioned summit. You see, I have seen, up-close-and-personal, the interaction between protestors, both of the violent and non-violent varieties, and police on riot duty, and what you see in this video is definitely not the norm.

Normally, at least as I understand it and based on what I have heard from cops, the plants are supposed to be invisible. They look --and act-- the part of an "activist" or "radical", without actually getting sucked into any of the crazy "direct action" crap that some of the more "motivated" demonstrators (e.g. anarchists)can get up to involving acid, projectiles, and other patently illegal activities. They are like spotters, keeping a lookout for trouble spots at the leading edge of a demonstration, and surreptitiously informing their uniformed colleagues so that they can neutralize threatening behaviour. before it develops into somthing more dangerous. They are grey men --and women-- who are supposed to melt into the crowd and just observe.

This video? It is surreal, really. I'd love to hear from the genius who picked these three of Quebec's finest for this duty. Here we have three muscular douchebags in their late thirties or early forties milling around trying to blend in with a bunch of scrawny adolescent wannabe anarchists. They are so out of place it is almost laughable. But what really gets my underwear in a twist is that one of these clowns is clearly holding a rock --you can hear Coles admonish him and tell him to drop it at one point.

Now, this, ladies and gentlemen, is where we go beyond standard operating procedure and into the realm of incitement. What the hell was this joker doing with a rock in his paw? We have no way of knowing, but I'm quite certain this is inappropriate behaviour for someone undercover and I also imagine it crosses some police procedure line. What's worse is that if he is in fact an undercover cop (and I am convinced that he and his buddies are) video evidence of that rock is very damaging to the police. The demonstrators are claiming he was trying to stir up some violence so that the cops could retaliate, and they are pointing to the rock as evidence of this intent. It is compelling evidence.

The denouement of this little drama is laughable to say the least. A frenzy of sotto-voce negotiations between the three cornered "protestors" and the riot police followed by a pantomime arrest. Conveniently, the takedown takes place in the opposite direction of the demonstrators, allowing dozens of photographers to get a very nice view of the matching Vibram soles on everyone's boots. those Vibrams -- so popular with Tactical teams and soldiers, to say nothing of young anarchists!

We'll see how this all plays out in the days to come.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What is behind the "Peace Movement"?

One can begin to form a picture of the typical peace studies student by reading the testimonials by students and graduates that many of these programs have posted online. Essentially the same story occurs over and over in these accounts: the privileged upbringing; the curiosity about other cultures; the visit to the Third World, where the poverty shocks, even transforms, the student (“I . . . would never be the same after experiencing what I did in Honduras”); and, finally, the readiness to swallow the peace professors’ explanation for it all—namely, that it’s America’s fault—and to work for revolutionary change. Many students make it clear that they’re ashamed to be American; one of them, listing her aspirations, writes, “I envision myself American, not needing to be embarrassed of it.” They view themselves instead as “global citizens"

Read it all here.


Bonus stupid content:
Unqualified Candidates. Following this guy's line of reasoning, I nominate Matthew Coon-Come for Indian Affairs Minister, Eddie Greenspan for Justice Minister, Peter Gzowski's Ghost as Minister of Canadian Heritage and Wolverine from the X-Men for Minister of Defence.