Miscellaneous MusingsDoes anyone miss "regular" CBC programming? As far as I'm concerned, the lockout can continue... at least until Ron and Don are due back in the Coach's Corner and I can no longer find anything online to fill the void that Rex Murphy's "Point of View" has left.
Normally, all the best content at
Steyn Online comes from Mark himself, but this week there is a particularly thought provoking, if somewhat vitriolic letter entitled
THE FICTION OF THE 'PALESTINIAN' IDENTITY from some Aussie guy, I think, in the Mark's Mailbox section of the site. Check it out, and consider the critical role of the media and media-savvy agitators in framing the issues of our day.
Sometimes it is fascinating to watch someone's worldview completely transform before your eyes. Precious few witnessed the online transmogrification of some of the most dogged pro-WOT bloggers, who went from amiable mountain bike enthusiasts writing about their favourite trails, to online activists and campaigning with the fervour of evangelists. But the change is there, laid bare for all to see. Recorded in their sites' archives. Go to your favourite "right-wing wacko" sites and compare the postings from August 2001 to those from September and October 2001, if ya don't believe me.
Matt Welch quotes Orwell, and his issues with the Pacifists of his day:
Pacifism is a psychological curiosity rather than a political movement. Some of
the extremer pacifists, starting out with a complete renunciation of violence,
have ended by warmly championing Hitler and even toying with antisemitism. This
is interesting, but it is not important. 'Pure' pacifism, which is a by-product
of naval power, can only appeal to people in very sheltered positions. Moreover,
being negative and irresponsible, it does not inspire much devotion.
On the relationship between intellectuals and patriotism:
England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of
their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is
something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to
snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is
a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English
intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during 'God save
the King' than of stealing from a poor box. All through the critical years many
left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook
that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but
always anti-British. ... If you were an intellectual you sniggered at the Union
Jack and regarded physical courage as barbarous. ... Patriotism and intelligence
will have to come together again. It is the fact that we are fighting a war, and
a very peculiar kind of war, that may make this possible.
Parallels can be drawn... I'm just saying....