Difficult TimesUntil it happens, you really don't know how you are going to react when someone close to you passes away suddenly.
My mother-in-law left us last week. She was very young to have died of a heart attack.
I was very sad when it happened. Sad and shocked.
I was shocked when it happened, because I was there.
Although I did my best to help, there was nothing I could do.
The doctor assured me no one could have saved her.
Still, there was the guilt, and the grief, and a feeling of utter helplessness as I watched her family suffer.
But there was also love. And pride.
I've never been prouder of my beloved wife, who was so very strong, so very brave, even as her heart must have ached so deeply.
I was so proud of the way the family came together, too.
Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts and cousins and friends.
Everyone pitched it.
They may drive you nuts at times, but when the chips are down, your family is who you count on.
We loved her.
We will miss her.
Now, we have to be there for each other.
And love each other the way she would have wanted.