Saturday, October 30, 2004

It is official. Barring any unforseen complications, I will be moving to a new place at the end of this month. It is a lovely little flat in a 6 story building in the heart of Sandy Hill, and only a 20 minute walk from work. I don't really have much of a choice, since the next occupants of my current place will be arriving at the begining of the month.... they have a really interesting plan for remodelling the building. You've heard of open concept? Well they are going to do "open air concept"... basically, they are going to gut the apartment and tear it down to the foundations. How avant-guard! They are levelling half of my block to build condos. I thought the building boom was over and that the housing market had levelled off, but a walk around my neighbourhood would disabuse you of that notion. Centretown is being transformed as heritage buildings and delapidated houses like mine make way for condos and townhouses way out of my price range.

Moving in December is going to be such fun, what with the snow and bitter Ottawa cold and all! On the bright side, my minimalist tendencies mean that I really don't have that much stuff to move. I suppose that one day, in the distant or not-too-distant future I will become a much more efficient and voracious consumer, stockpiling massive quantities of products, furniture and appliances, in a desperate search for fulfillment. For now, I subscribe to Tyler Durden's philosophy about material goods: "The things you own... end up owning you"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more...I found that as soon as I was no longer on my car for transportation I had a whole new concept of freedom...I was no longer a slave to the greedy capitalist car companies-I was living my life without their constant reminder that I needed a car as a status symbol or as indicative of who I was...I know who I am now because I WALK...Given you will be a short 20 minute jaunt from work, you might want to consider getting rid of your car...perhaps a family member can buy it for a reasonable price, then you can finally understand what it means to be liberated in this world....and maybe that family member should be your sister, who is a slave to mom/dad car pools....just a consider...seriously....that is all