Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My free political advice to the PM as we enter the election campaign:

You can't have it both ways Paul.

Are you the Paul Martin who was Finance Minister in the Chretien government? You know, the guy who steered us to umpteen balanced budgets and who slew the deficit? Oh, yeah? Then you were also , a senior Cabinet Minister, the deputy chair of Treasury Board,and a member of the Quebec Caucus... you know, one of the guys who brought us Adscam, right?


You knew nothing of the actions of the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party?

Well that's Gomery told us, at any rate?

You repudiate those actions?

Well then, damnit, perhaps you dissociate yourself completely from the filthy corrupt people responsible for that abomination! Maybe even leave the Liberal name behind! Yeah....With your connections and big bucks, you could certainly found your own party, a fiscally conservative, socially progressive party that panders to the provinces! Le Parti Paul Martin! sounds like a winner to me...Force your caucus to choose sides! Force your candidates the same! Come on, last election your people ran as L'equipe Martin, basically forsaking the Liberal brand, and when you did all those great things all those many years ago, it was as FINANCE MINISTER Paul Martin, not as "Liberal MP" Paul Martin, no?

I'm just jokin', Paulie. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? It may be a Paul Martin Government, but its a Liberal Government all the same, and like it or not, you people have been in power for over a decade. And we are getting tired, Paul, oh so tired of your shenanigans. Ultimately, you will be judged by the electorate as a Liberal, because like it or not, all your attempts to "re-brand" notwithstanding, that's what you are.

Question is.. are people sick enough of you guys to throw you out on your ear?

We'll find out in January.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think voting liberal is a bad trend, just like the super low hip hugger jeans. The reality is most girls shouldn't be wearing them because as much as you WANT them to look good-- you are NOT Paris Hilton (and thank God for that). The fact is your love handles are hanging over your pants and that's never a good thing. While I think most people secretly realize how terrible of a trend this is, its difficult to find an alternative fit which don't look like the pants your grandmother wears. I'm not saying we should return to the days of jeans doubling as bras, but there has to be some happy medium. All I can hope is that sooner or later people will get sick of them and move on.
I'm sure some people are sick of the liberals...but are they sick ENOUGH of the liberals? For whatever reason, I cannot reason why people would rather re-elect the proven-corrupt rather than take a chance on the only real alternative. I think people associate the conservatives to the granny jeans. But why does voting conservative has such a negative stigma attached to it? Even, from a theoretical perspective, when you actually talk to people about their political, social or economic views, time and time again, they seem to coincide with conservative views. Yet they will NEVER admit to be right-wing and they will NEVER admit that the chunks of meat hanging over their jeans is unnattractive. Sad to say but for most of the ignorant, it's probably just more fashionable and socially acceptable to say you're liberal. But like all bad trends, will the need to vote liberals and Paris Hilton's horrendous style, pass with time? I can only hope...