Sunday, January 22, 2006

"A hierarchichal ape that did not like being bossed around"

That's how an anthropologist on CBC News Sunday describes the common ancestor of humans and apes in a clever little item that shows the paralels between our political process and the social behaviour of chimps. Intercutting clips of chimpanzees growling, babbling and attacking each other in the wild with scenes of the party leaders gladhanding and posturing, it's a wonderfully subversive piece. Why no shots of chimps flinging poo, though?

Well, tomorrow, all the chimps will climb out of their trees to get a look at the situation on the ground.

The media sez:

Liberal midshipmen are putting on their dress uniforms to go stand on the burning deck Martin is lashing himself to the mast.

Tequila Sheila is carving Junior's tombstone Conservative Majority you say?

The irrepressible Greg Weston starts counting Cabinet chickens before they hatch

The Venerable Doug Fisher passes sentence

Warren bathes in schadenfreude Revenge of the Soccer Moms? Yup, I think so!

The Coshster weighs in with his eleventh-hour prediction. A fellow cynic; Colby's seat prediction is pretty close to mine.

And then there"s Maude! Barlow, Paul Martin's new second-most bestest friend (after Basil "Fawlty" Hargrove), continues to show Jack Layton why he should give her the cold shoulder (or the finger) after this election.

DAIFALLAH! Is it just me, or does the young fellow's name sound like some kind of warcry? Adam gives us the skinny on Quebec.

Paul Wells, the most consistently anti-Martin commentator I have ever seen, does what he does best

Coyne continues his systematic dismantling of Liberal puffery and misdirection

Finally, The Master seems to see the light at the end of the tunnel

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