I been too damn busy to post during July. What has happened up to this point during the month? Here follows the summarization...
Part One:
in which the brothers Ellard and Paterfamilias Timothy James venture into the depths of the wilderness of central Ontario during the celebrations of the founding of the Dominion (a.k.a Canada Day camping trip)
That weekend featured the double Rs of rest and relaxation and the 4 Ps: paddling; portaging; pounding (tent pegs as well as beers); and puking.

We eventually found a great campsite on a lake almost entirely devoid of other campers. We really were all alone out there!
George soon broke out the rod drown a couple of worms.
While we set up camp, Dad was posted as a sentry to keeep a sharp eye out for bears, wolverines, sasquatch, and other predators that infest the perilous forests of Algonquin Park.
He drank TWO BEER. That was two beer two much.
He was subsequently found to be incapable of carrying out his duties, and was relieved.

Later we woke Tim up and feasted upon small forest vermin that we caught using diabolical pungi stick traps that Joe had learned to make when he was in 'Nam. The chipmunk was particularly succulent. We may have eaten some burgers and dogs too. I'm hazy on that detail. Next day, Joe caught a fish and beat it to death with his paddle. It was rather gruesome, but ultimately delicious.
Basically, the rest of the weekend was spent getting wood, drinking beer, cooking, drinking beer, swimming, drinking beer, and fishing. It was a blast. We are looking to make it an annual event.
Part Two:
The commemoration of the anniversary of my birth - Jaimito is 32 and all grow'd-up:
My main squeeze got me new camping gear! She must have seen how enthused I was when I came back from our canoe expedition.

Had some friends over for supper... this old-timer ain't been out on the town since ought-six on account of my bum hip that troubles me something fierce these days, dagnabbit!
So that's how I spent the first part of July. How's about you?
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