Wednesday, December 19, 2007

¿¡Viva la Revolución!? ... ¡Viva Louis Vuitton!

The Spanish speaking world has been providing us with some good stuff lately! First King Juan Carlos telling off Chavez, and now this:

Basically, this Venezuelan politician is in the middle of a tirade:

"The only path to justice is socialism. It is not capitalism, it is not cannibalism..."

He is interrupted by the reporter:

"You want to talk about capitalism, and here you are in your Louis Vuitton tie and your shoes from..."

"Uh, that is, uh, I mean, uh...

(rough translation, but basically politician begins to stammer and do the speed-wobble)

...I would love it if all of this was produced in Venzuela, In which case, I would purchase everything that is produced here and we would not have to import 95% of the goods we consume."

Funny. The reporter has since been "disappeared" for double-plus-ungood thoughtcrime.

OK, maybe not...I made that last bit up.

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