Friday, May 09, 2008

My Head Hurts

Ezra Levant writes on his blog that Mohamed Elmasry, the Canadian Islam Congress Grand Vizier who dispatched the Sock Puppet Three to take on Macleans and Mark Steyn, once faced him in a debate…

Now the pugnacious Mr. Levant wants to debate Warren Kinsella, but the usually scrappy Kinsella doesn’t want to debate Levant ...he wants to debate Steyn, and Macleans and Steyn want to guessed it: Mohamed Elmasry!

Can’t we just get all four of these cats into the ring and let them go at it WWE tag-team style? Steyn/Levant vs. Kinsella/Elmasri. Now, THAT would be a battle worth witnessing! A real "slobberknocker", as good ol' J.R. would say.

Catch that TVO debate cooked up on the fly between Steyn and Elmasry's kids? Steyn basically goaded and taunted them on live TV to come out and start the debate they claimed they had been looking for all along. Although initially reticent, to their credit, they eventually agreed. Here is part 1 of 5, featuring Khurrum and company:

You gotta love it when instead of suing each other and taking each other to human rights commissions people actually, you know, discuss and debate issues they cannot and likely will not ever agree on. Ain't free speech grand? Beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!


Levant must be very pleased with the success of his campaign to delegitimize the entire Human Rights Commission apparatus in this country. I mean, would anyone have imagined they would ever read anything like this account of an editorial board meeting with the Canadian Jewish Congress in the National Post? This kind of rough handling of reps of the entrenched Jewish establishment puts paid to the idea that the "islamophobes" are simply using attacks on the HRC as a way to persecute Muslims. Clearly, true free speech believers are being consistent, and what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as the aggrieved and embattled CJC are now finding out, much to their chagrin.

I have been informed that my association of the "SP3" (as I have now taken to referring to The "sockpuppet three" and which makes them sound like a cool 90s rap group, no?) to the lawiscool blog is completely haram, verboten, and totally not kosher, since there is apparently no link between SP3 and law is cool since Daniel Simard recused himself from the proceedings. Furthermore, I am told that I am a total douche for using the nickname "sockpuppet three" (I'm paraphrasing), hence my rechristening of the law students as "SP3", pending the creation of a new, more righteous and totally awesome nickname.


Anonymous said...

We are not the "sockpuppet three."

There really is more than three Canadian law students in the universe.

James said...

That's odd... A simple google search of "sockpuppet three"

brings up this post from the law is cool blog, top of the page, ranked #1:

Google thinks the sockpuppet three are associated with your site... and whoever they are, the unfortunate moniker appears to have stuck.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Google is the final arbitrator of all disputes these days.

It might just mean they get serious traffic.

Jacob said...

Well, that google search now turns up a post from the Western Standard as #1. Does that mean that Ezra Levant is now behind them? (Now, that's a conspiracy theory)

Regardless, Muneeza Sheikh, Naseem Mithoowani and Khurrum Awan (the so-called "sockpuppet three") do not write for nor do they have any affiliation with that website. Daniel Simard, who does write for Lawiscool, is no longer part of the Macleans case.

James said...

Whoa, dude, you just blew my mind!

I hereby cheerfully acknowledge that the sockpuppet three and law is cool are two different blogular entities, for what it's worth.

Maybe someone can suggest a better nickname for Muneeza, Khurrum, and Naseem.

On that blog post it says they are "3 of the 5 law students that produced the original research leading to the complaint against Maclean’s magazine (which) the President of the CIC filed on their behalf"... that kinda sucks as a handle, if you ask me.

Incidentally, what did happen to Danny Simard? He has been disappeared from the record!

Any conspiracy theories?...