Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Great Republic

That`s what Winston Churchill called it, and the moniker still fits. After an arduous, hard-fought campaign, the American people have spoken.

They argued, they debated, they campaigned, they mobilized, and they voted. Sure, there were irregularities, and it is certain that a legion of lawyers will find employment dealing with the petty squables that will inevitably follow the process; recounts, inconclusive results in some races, public officials contesting their defeats and such. But all this will be done in an orderly manner, free of violence and civil strife, and the transfer of power will be peaceful.

The fact remains that the Americans have once again shown the world that in the United States of America, the greatest democracy on earth, it really is the people that decide.

Now I'm going to listen to a powerful orator give what I hope will be an inspiring speech, and just maybe I'll go to bed feeling, dare I say it... hopeful?

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