Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cleaned out the Freezer

Amazing what you find back there! Haven't been blogging much lately, mostly because I have been hanging out with the little guy during my vacation. I'm a bit out-of-the-loop as far as pop culture and current events go. Nevertheless, here are a few frost-bearded hunks of months-old leftovers and tidbits


Because I never get tired of people picking on the UN

A great piece found on Some Dissasembly Required


IDF video on Hamas tactics

Whether you think this is “Zionist propaganda” or a painstaking reconstruction of Hamas tactics during Operation Cast Lead, it's a pretty fascinating video with amazing computer graphics.


Dante's Inferno

Cool site if you are interested in one of the classics of Western literature:World of Dante.

Apparently the Ciardi translation is the best, though I don't think that was the one I read. I'll have to re-visit...


Scambaiting is Fun!

Not that I would encourage that potentially dangerous pastime, but some of these elaborate ruses are pretty insane! Incredible what some people are willing to go through if they think that there is a big payoff at the end.


Rough start for Conan

In honour of David Letterman being number one again for the first time in like 15 years: Cracked presents Letterman's 9 most hilariously awkward moments

Also, not necessarily awkward... just bizarre: Chris Elliott on Letterman

Actually, if you have seen what he is spoofing, it is pretty funny. If you haven't, look up Shatner Rocketman on Youtube.

Douglas Copeland attempts to bring back his 90s zeitgeist, does not succeed

From a Diogenes Borealis post from last November: Hideous Public Art.

Mr. Copeland, your ironic slacker installation blows in almost every way, but at least it looks vaguely military. So, congrats on your partial FAIL.


This will be good for your brain

Trust me this was TV, people!

see why Bill Buckley is missed so?


Last but not least, two random cool sites

Cabinet of Wonders

The British Library Online Gallery, featuring the Lindisfarne Gospels

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