Monday, May 10, 2004

Another delicious meal last night at a restaurant called Zampano near the piazza della Cancelleria. No tourist trap, this one.. this was the real deal, teeming with Romans. To say the food was splendid would be an understatement. I have never eaten pasta that good, and likely never will again... at least until my next trip to Italy!
This morning, after seeing my american buddy off, I went to the Pantheon, the Piazza Navona, the Piazza del Popolo, and half a dozen other attractions that in any other city would qualify as major attractions. But this is Rome, and you can only take a quick glance at the site of Julius Caesar's murder before quickly moving on to a massive temple raised by a conquering Emperor, or a huge ornate exquisite church crammed with priceless art treasures dedicated to a martyr of the Catholic Church, or some other wonder. Rome hoards its ruins and guards them greedily. There are so many in this city, that they have almost become mundane. Then you remember that some of these works were wrought two millenia ago by the people that laid the foundations of Western Civilization. They are worthy of our wonder.

Lunch, a sandwich of prosciutto and cheese bought from a deli and a little bottle of wine, was eaten on the Spanish steps... at least until David (a bloke from Kent who came along for the walk) and I were approached by a guard who didnt appreciate us eating on this "Monumento Nazionale". I cocked an eyebrow at the guy. To the left were a bunch of clowns eating potato chips out of plastic bags. To the right were some girls smoking and drinking. Whatever. I apologized to the guy, and smiled my best smile at him. Putting a slight crimp in my plans perhaps... but could I really complain when I was enjoying a fine afternoon on the Spanish steps?

Right now, it would take a heck of alot more than that to get me down!

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