Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chuck Norris For President


"Truthfully, I didn't know who he was. I asked the Americans, and they said he was a great fighter, and that's why they named me after him. They showed me a video, and it's true, he's a great fighter" said police trainer Mohammed Rasheed.


The Ottawa Citizen on Campus Totalitarians:

If you want to see totalitarianism in action, you don't have to travel overseas to some impoverished, politically backward society. Just head over to York University in Toronto.The face of totalitarianism is one Kelly Holloway, president of York's graduate students' association. It was she who pushed for the cancellation of a public debate on abortion. The event had been booked and the fliers printed, but it never happened. "This debate, over whether or not women should be able to have an abortion, is not acceptable in the student centre," said Ms. Holloway. Not acceptable in the student centre? Abortion is among the most controversial issues anywhere. Theologians, ethicists and doctors - not to mention ordinary people - have been wrestling with abortion for many years. Even though abortion is widely available, there is still no philosophical consensus on the morality of killing a fetus.

But Kelly hath decreed that the matter endeth here! Surely this closes the discussion?

Er, no. I'm afraid it ain't over, Kelly

It's good that York University started acting like a university again!

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