Monday, March 31, 2008

All Out of Bubblegum

If you recognize that cryptic title as the tail end of a movie line, then like me, you probably had your mind blown by a John Carpenter 1980s classic.

I watched They Live again recently, and it is every bit as awesome as the A.V. Club would have us believe it is it is.

It features perhaps the craziest most balls-out street fight I've ever seen. Keith David and Hot Rod go at it like a couple of rabid dogs over their differing perspectives on eyewear:

If there was any justice in this world Roderick Toombs would be a genre superstar on par with Kurt Russell.


Other odds and Sods

I was on the fence over whether Obama deserved plaudits for "the speech"

Then I read Hitchens:

But is it "inflammatory" to say that AIDS and drugs are wrecking the black community because the white power structure wishes it? No. Nor is it "controversial." It is wicked and stupid and false to say such a thing. And it not unimportantly negates everything that Obama says he stands for by way of advocating dignity and responsibility over the sick cults of paranoia and victimhood.

As usual, he is right. Sorry, Barry. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Guaranteed to give Cherniak an aneurism:

Lionel Chetwyn's History of the Trudeau Era

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