a.k.a. the big red dude
a.k.a. Headgeek
has diabetes.
the founder of AICN drops that tidbid on his loyal readers rather abruptly in this review of the new flick The Ruins. After his review, I think I just have to see this film… you see, I too was at Palenque, and I can recall that the jungle did indeed loom threateningly…
The big surprise is the outpouring of geek love and support in the talkbacks. In the past, some people have been absolutely vile with Harry, mocking his obesity along with his idiosyncratic writing style and his self-regard. This time, there is concern and good wishes.
He’s rather ludicrous -- by his own admission -- almost a cartoonish figure, is our Mr. Knowles, with his gigantic ginger head fringed with a chinstrap beard and long hair “like an irish setter” as he has described it. To me, he looks like a cross between late Jerry Garcia and Slimer from Ghostbusters, or rather, Slimer’s unseen red cousin.

Harry and Slimer: kindred spirits
And I loathe his ridiculous politics, as do many denizens of AICN, who regularly implore him to stick to movies, and not spew his leftwing nonsense in his reviews. Take for example, the poster who wrote the following nasty diatribe after Harry commented on the film Day Zero in his inimitable style: Imagine that John McCain wins the next election (this isn’t the premise – but merely how we could get to the premise in our reality) and decides to truly create a 100 year presence in Iraq.
Harry, you're a fucking moron slave
by expert_40
Feb 26th, 2008
07:35:22 AM
"Let's say if John McCain gets elected."
I despise ideologues, Harry. I despise them on both sides, because they truly don't know how stupid they sound when they let ridiculous statements like that escape their mouths. They don't understand how much of a slave they are, listening to others to know what to believe in. Sheep.
First of all, there's a reason why the military in this country is the best it's been since WWII. IT'S ALL VOLUNTARY. There's a saying we have in the Marine Corps: U Signed the Mother-fucking Contract.
The draft will never be reinstated, and for people to even insinuate it would be is ideological bullshit. Especially if they insinuate John McCain would do so. ESPECIALLY if they say "if he gets elected" like that gives him the power to do so without consent of Congress.
Harry, for the love of God, for someone who claims to love things like individuality and open-mindedness, you're a sheep who's only open-minded to his own beliefs.
Open your fucking eyes, stop inundating every word you write with your ideology and free your mind from slavery. Politics should be about voting your consciences, voting for the best person, no matter what party they are, or what color or gender they are. That's the way Jefferson wanted it. Man, I thank God I'm not a devoted slave like you or Rush Limbaugh or Al Franken or Ann Coulter.
"Imagine if John McCain got elected," well, Harry, I know that freezes your heart, but I can think of scarier things than 4 years of a moderate who doesn't walk in lockstep with his party, who gets along with the Democrats and doesn't mind working TOGETHER for real change, instead of you know, just talking about this abstract thing, "change," like one of the other candidates. That being said, I haven't yet made up my mind (isn't it great to actually be able to use your mind instead of it being enslaved to the left or the right? I think it is) yet, but when I do, my conscience, not ideology will guide me. No political party tells me what to believe in or who to vote for.
We know you're a fucking slave, Harry. So, for the love of God, stop reminding us with every post you write.
But nevertheless, there is no denying the man loves movies in a way few other people do... and I have to admit that his joy and wonder is infectious: He has gotten me pretty jazzed up about a movie through his sheer enthusiasm more than once.
His is a deep abiding love that has seen him through some major trials, including the death of his mother, his near paralysis, and 20 years of state and federal Bush regimes –Eagle Scout Knowles is a Texan, but he’s no red-state cowboy… he’s one of those exotic lefties from the Democrat enclave of Austin.
At any rate, diabetes is a disease that demands a serious commitment to healthy living, and Mr. Knowles has not been known for that type of thing during his decade-plus in the public eye… but I’m a believer in “second acts”, and as someone who has struggled to stay trim for almost his entire life –and who recently ran his first 10k run in nearly 2 years, I wish him well as he embarks upon this significant lifestyle change.
Bonne Chance, Headgeek.
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